Die Kern Filmproduktion ist eine Plattform für dokumentarisch arbeitende Filmschaffende mit gesellschaftlichem Engagement. Die Firma entstand 1985 (Geschichte) als Filmproduktion der Firmengründer Leslie Franke und Herdolor Lorenz. Mittlerweile ist die Kern Filmproduktion Produzent für Projekte verschiedenster Filmemacher von dokumentarischen Werken.

Die Kern Filmproduktion produziert neben eigenen Projekten zahlreiche Filme in Kooperation mit anderen Filmemachern und Autoren. Wenn vorrecherchierte Vorschläge uns unterstützenswert erscheinen, organisieren wir die Finanzierung. Eine Besonderheit ist die von uns seit Jahren praktizierte Finanzierung durch Subskription für "Filme von unten"     .Die unsichtbare Grenze des Sagbaren
Von der Freiheit im öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehen und anderen Illusionen, Interview der Nachdenkseiten mit Leslie Franke und Herdolor Lorenz

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Marketable People/ Film file for download

Marketable People/ Film file for download
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Marketable People

A ‘FILM FROM BELOW’ by Leslie Franke and Herdolor Lorenz, 2020, 99 min.

Europe is in a state of upheaval. Since the new millennium, and most recently after the financial crisis, a new course has been set. The social market economy, social solidarity systems, which have been fought over for decades, are at stake. The labour market in particular, and with it the people, are changing rapidly. This is where the film "MARKETABLE PEOPLE" comes in.

Just 20 years ago, just under two thirds of employees in Germany had a full-time job with compulsory social insurance. Only today, 38% are still doing so. Currently, half of the employees are already working in insecurity! The film shows drivers* for food suppliers controlled by an algorithm, retail employees working on call, crowdworkers competing with the whole world on internet platforms. We also see people in work structures at universities that were previously believed to be secure in the past in temporary employment relationships. Here there are planning horizons ranging from just a few months to a year.Dr. phil. Dr. rer. med. Peter Ullrich is pleased about a new contract for one month: "The pension is secure," he says with a smile.

All these modern employment relationships have one thing in common: the employer withdraws from social obligations and puts the economic and social risk on the back of the employees. Sociologist Simon Schaupp notes a deliberate atomization of the employees. " A tendency which intends that people become isolated and do not organize themselves so annoyingly. "

The situation is somewhat different for middle and upper permanent management positions. But here too, responsibility for the fate of the company is often shifted onto the employees. Management by crisis" is popular - the employees are supposed to save the company. They then sacrifice themselves and dedicate their whole life to the company. But this does not save them from being fired on the phone or being escorted out the door by security like a serious criminal. Scientists explain how such stress and "being excluded" systematically trigger physical illness.

The film shows examples of how people break down under this burden and insecurity, how depression and burnout make life hell. Even in this fatal situation, many still believe that they are to blame for their fate and are an isolated case. What is fatal is that all these shown ways of working and living are often connected with social isolation and loneliness - symptoms of a shattering connective tissue of society.

In a world driven by competition, exploitation and unrestricted freedom of investors, there is one essential principle: "Race to the bottom", the competition for ever worse working conditions and lower wages with disregard for human dignity. THE MARKET RIGHT HUMAN shows under what conditions drivers of Eastern European subcontractors work in the truck transport industry and noble chains in the textile and clothing industry. They have their products manufactured in Eastern Europe by women workers who sew products together 12 hours, 7 days a week in piecework for a wage that is five times below the subsistence level. And yet the caravan continues to move to places where the conditions for investors are even more favourable, the focus being on Ethiopia: Workers there earn 27 dollars a month, half the wages of Bangladesh! - This madness is not without alternative. The film introduces companies that operate according to the principle of the common good, employees of delivery services that set up a works council and the power of solidarity of young people who stand up for a system change. "MARKETABLE PEOPLE" is a film that encourages people to get involved and join forces. Because a different life is possible.

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