KernFilm is a platform for film makers creating documentaries with social engagement. The writers and founding members Leslie Franke and Herdolor Lorenz established the film production company in 1985 (History).By now, the team of Kern Filmproduktion is producing projects of a diverse group of film-makers creating a wide variety of documentaries.
Film production
Besides their own projects, Kern Filmproduktion produces numerous films in cooperation with other film-makers and authors. We organize the funding of pre-researched proposals or projects that we consider interesting and worthwhile. Our specialty is the financing as "film from below" by crowdfunding.
Order films
Weihnachtspaket5 Schenken Sie eine „FILMFÖRDERUNG VON UNTEN“ für das neue Filmprojekt „SOLD CITY“
ab 20,00 EURSpende
Kontoinhaber (Empfänger): SOLD CITY
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE49430609672020346200 BIC: GENODEM1GLS
Vermerk: 3001_1_Weih_Mov_dt
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